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The Supplement Stack to Maximize Your Strength and Power Output

When it comes to building strength and power, strategic supplementation can significantly impact how quickly you progress. A well-rounded stack that includes creatine, HMB, beta-alanine and protein addresses performance needs but also enhances recovery, making it indispensable for strength-focused training and sports. This combination also offers unique benefits to endurance and hybrid athletes who incorporate strength training into their routines or require bursts of maximum power output to excel in their sport.

Here’s how this combination of supplements contributes to strength, power and overall athletic performance—read on.


Creatine for Explosive Strength and Power Output

Creatine monohydrate is renowned in sports science for its robust effects on strength and power output. Its primary function is to replenish adenosine triphosphate (ATP)—the molecule responsible for quick energy release during high-intensity activity. By increasing ATP availability in muscle tissue, creatine enables you to produce greater force for short, explosive efforts, facilitating better performance during anaerobic exercise.

This is particularly advantageous for athletes engaged in activities that demand short bursts of maximal power. Athletes like powerlifters, sprinters and team sports athletes (e.g. rugby players) benefit from creatine’s ability to fuel rapid energy demands. Whether it’s generating explosive speed off the blocks or increasing maximal lifts in the gym, creatine plays a central role in boosting short-term, high-output energy production.

Blonyx HMB+ Creatine combines the recommended 5g dose of creatine with 3g of HMB (beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate) to help amplify strength and power output but also to mitigate muscle degradation. Read on to understand how HMB complements creatine's effects.


HMB for Muscle Protection and Accelerated Recovery

HMB is a metabolite of leucine, a key amino acid in muscle protein synthesis. What sets HMB apart is its ability to significantly reduce muscle protein breakdown, especially during periods of intense training. This reduction in muscle degradation, combined with accelerated protein synthesis, positions HMB as a vital supplement for athletes aiming to preserve muscle mass while recovering more efficiently.

For example, cyclists tackling challenging hill climbs, bodybuilders engaging in hypertrophy-focused training, or CrossFit athletes completing high-volume sessions can all benefit from HMB’s protective effects. Its ability to stabilize muscle mass during prolonged or repeated exertion helps athletes bounce back quicker from strenuous activity, reducing delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and speeding up recovery between sessions.

Blonyx HMB+ Creatine delivers the optimal daily intake of 3g HMB, creating a dual-action supplement that safeguards muscle tissue while boosting power and performance during strength training.


Beta-Alanine for Enhanced Muscle Endurance

Beta-alanine’s performance-enhancing benefits stem from its role in increasing muscle carnosine concentrations. Carnosine acts as a buffer against lactic acid accumulation, delaying the onset of muscle fatigue during high-intensity exercise. This allows athletes to sustain power output for longer durations, even when approaching physical limits.

For athletes engaged in multi-rep sets of heavy lifts, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), or sprinting, beta-alanine proves invaluable. It mitigates the burning sensation caused by lactic acid buildup, allowing for an extension of performance at near-maximal intensities. As a result, athletes can push through those final, critical sets of deadlifts or continue to power through the final lap of a track sprint.

Blonyx Beta Alanine offers a scientifically backed 6g daily dose for achieving the true benefits of beta-alanine, ensuring you can prolong time to exhaustion and optimize your performance during the most demanding stages of your training. This makes it an incredibly valuable supplement for athletes striving to sustain power output over extended periods of exertion.


Protein for Muscle Growth and Repair

Protein is the fundamental building block of muscle repair, growth, and recovery, making it an indispensable part of any training regimen. The physical stress caused by heavy strength training or high-intensity efforts results in microscopic tears in muscle fibers, which require amino acids to repair and grow stronger.

For example, heavy compound lifts like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses create significant muscle strain, while high-impact activities like sprinting and plyometrics call for repeated, powerful muscle contractions, both leading to muscle breakdown that requires proper recovery and repair. Proper protein intake ensures that your muscles receive the necessary nutrients to repair and grow, accelerating recovery and allowing you to return to training at full strength.

Blonyx Egg White Protein Isolate is sourced from egg whites, the purest and most efficient source of protein available. It offers a clean, effective increase in protein intake for athletes focused on muscle growth from strength training and their post-training recovery. Plus, it contains the full spectrum of amino acids your body needs to rebuild muscle tissue.


Combined Benefits and Key Takeaways

When used together, creatine, HMB, beta-alanine and protein create a synergistic effect that helps athletes maximize their strength and power output while supporting their muscle endurance and recovery. Here’s a quick summary of how these supplements complement each other:

  • Creatine enhances short-term power output, fueling the intense, explosive efforts required in sports like weightlifting, sprinting, and team-based competitions.
  • HMB safeguards muscle mass during prolonged or high-volume training, helping athletes recover faster and preserve the muscle they’ve built through strength work.
  • Beta-alanine delays muscle fatigue, giving athletes the ability to maintain maximal performance over longer periods of exertion, particularly during high-rep strength work or interval-based training.
  • Protein is essential for muscle repair and growth, ensuring that post-training recovery is optimized so you can consistently perform at your peak.


Blonyx Strength & Bower Bundle


To help more athletes achieve the combined benefits of these ingredients, we created the Blonyx Strength & Power Bundle, which brings together HMB+ Creatine, Beta Alanine and Egg White Protein Isolate to provide a comprehensive approach to improving strength, power and recovery. This bundle is ideal for athletes across sporting disciplines looking to build and maintain strength while supporting their recovery, from powerlifters and cyclists to track and field and team-sport athletes.

If you learned something new from this article and are curious to know more, head to the Blonyx Blog or our growing list of weekly research summaries where we help you further improve your athletic performance by keeping you up to date on the latest findings from the world of sports nutrition.

– That’s all for now, train hard!


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