Kasper Woolley: "When I was 17, I had this pituitary tumor that I guess I'd had for a long time, but that's when I found out about it.Injuries have kind of been one of those things that I guess I've grown up with almost. Kind of the main reason, which I didn't know about until like three years ago when I found out about the tumor. I have a low bone density condition. Basically it makes it a lot easier to break something.
The last couple of years, I've been spending a lot more time in the gym than I think most mountain bike athletes do. Also just a lot of injury prevention and recovery. So I'm working pretty hard at that.
Just showing up and putting in effort at the races in my mind, you're not actually putting in the effort. You need to be doing the recovery and the training. It needs to be months of preparation to then be able to go out and actually perform the best you can.
My athletic ambition is to be a world champion. Simple as that."